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Anguzal Agroservice is considered one of the leaders in Central Asia producing biological preparations.

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For adaptation and growth of plants on saline soils

Active ingredient: Methylovorus mays, Saccaromyces cerevisiae.

Purpose: microbiological growth stimulator in conditions of soil salinity to increase productivity.


Checking the SaltyPRO preparation for salt tolerance of plants, their growth and development, at NaCl concentration: 0%; 0.5%; 1%.


Name of the studied strains

NaCl concentration used per 20 seeds per strain

0% Na Cl 0,5% Na Cl 1% Na Cl
roots seedlings roots seedlings roots seedlings
Control 16 15 16 16 14 9
SaltyPRO 16 16 19 19 18 15

Crop Consumption rate Efficiency Mode of application Multiplicity of treatments
Wheat, cotton 2.0 l/t speeds
2.0 l/ga
Yield increase by 5.4 t/ha Moisturizing seeds, spraying during vegetation 3

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