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Anguzal Agroservice is considered one of the leaders in Central Asia producing biological preparations.

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COMPOSITION: Culture liquid and extract of microaerophilic bacterium Azotobacter chroococcum.
SPECTRUM OF ACTION: Bionitrogen fertilizer for organic farming and elimination of nitrogen deficiency in plants.

  • Growth and development of agricultural crops,
  • Metabolism improvements,
    crop increase,
  • Increase in size and sugar content of fruits,
    development of the root system,
  • Helps in the construction and formation of nucleic acids and other important compounds in the plant.
  • BIONITROGEN is completely absorbed by plants. Baktomin does not saline the soil, because. applied per sheet.
  • Increases plant immunity.
  • Ideal for organic farming.
  • Safe for people and OS.

FEATURES IN APPLICATION: Spraying on the leaf in the evening. Use non-chlorinated water. Shake the drug before use. Use the prepared solution on the day of preparation.

Crop Consumption rate Mode of application
For all types of agricultural crops 30-50 ml for 10 l of water Spraying on the leaf

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