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Anguzal Agroservice is considered one of the leaders in Central Asia producing biological preparations.

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Microbiological enteric-contact insecticidal preparation

Composition: bacterial spores, protein crystals, Bacillus thuringiensis var thuringiensis culture, titer 2x109sp/ml.

Range of Action: Lepidoptera insect caterpillars: cotton scoop, unpaired silkworm, leaf rollers, spider mite, cabbage, etc.


  • Does not accumulate in plants and fruits;
  • Obtaining environmentally friendly, healthy products;
  • The waiting period is five days;
  • Compatible with chemical pesticides and biologicals in tank mixtures and integrated plant protection systems;

Solves the problems of resistance of populations of harmful insects to chemical pesticides.

Crops Type of pests Consumption rate
per 1 ha,
in liters
Treatment period, its
Vegetable and berry crops Cabbage
whale, moth, moth, cabbage
scoop (1-2 age), aphids, thrips, whiteflies, leaf
rollers, sawflies
2-4 2-3 treatments during the growing season with an interval of 5-6 days
Cotton, beet, cucumbers, sunflowers, alfalfa, soybeans, peas Cotton scoop, bumps, meadow moth, aphids, thrips 2-4
Coniferous, leaf and stone trees Apple and fruit
moth (caterpillars 1-3 ages), American white butterfly, silkworms, pine scoop
4 l
per 100 l
of water for 30-50 trees
Grapes European grape moth 2-4 per 1 ha or 2-5 l of working liquid per 1 bush Spraying
during the growing season 8-10 days after the start of the butterfly’s
departure. 2-3 treatments in 5-7 days

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