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Anguzal Agroservice is considered one of the leaders in Central Asia producing biological preparations.

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Composition: spores of Trichodemalignorum saprophytic fungus, titer -1 x1010 s/ml.

Effect of the drug application:

  • It naturally acidifies the soil to pH 6.0-6.5 due to the synthesis of phosphoric acid;
  • It stimulates the root nutrition of plants, increases the digestibility and solubility of hard-to-digest forms of phosphorus (superphosphate, etc.) and potassium by 85%;
  • Provides the development of a powerful root system in the initial phases of plant development through the synthesis of thiamine, pyridoxine, biotin, pantothenic and nicotinic acids, vitamin B12, auxins;
  • Protects against root pathogens (fusarium, verticillosis, root crust, black leg, etc.);
  • Promotes an increase in the yield of agricultural plants – cereals, industrial, vegetable, fruit and forest crops by 20-40%.


  • When introduced under the root during the period of fruit formation, the Plantastim biostimulator helps to increase the size of the fruit, and, accordingly, the yield, as well as sugar content.

Crop Target Method, processing time Consumption rate of the drug
and working solution
Frequency of treatment
Yield increase
Natural Soil Acidification
Pathogen protection
Pre-sowing seed treatment.
Spraying on vegetation before
flowering, in the booting stage.
1l / t
2l / ha
Vegetables, outdoor and indoor crops Watering 10 days after transplanting seedlings.
Watering after 20-30 days for root growth (before flowering).
Watering every 20-30 days during
50-100 ml per 10
liters of water.

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