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Anguzal Agroservice is considered one of the leaders in Central Asia producing biological preparations.

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Microbiological fruit growth stimulator

Composition: polysaccharide complex of the microorganisms community B mucilaginosus and B. megaterium varphosphaticum and biologically active substances A.chroococcum, P. fluoresences.

Range of action:

  • INCREASES WEIGHT and SIZE of fruits of vegetables and fruits due to the allocation of growth-promoting enzymes;
  • Accelerates fruit ripening due to biologically active substances secreted by microorganisms that activate protein synthesis and promote cell division;
  • Increases the sugar content of fruits;
  • Enhances their natural taste and aroma.


Crop Target Type, period of
Drug consumption rate Frequency of

Waiting period,


Vegetables of open
and closed ground (tomatoes, cucumbers, etc.), fruits (apples, pears, etc.),
Increase of fruits in weight
and size
1. Leaf feeding
immediately after flowering;

2. Spraying a
week after flowering;
3. Spraying every 7-10 days

50 ml per 10 l of water. 4-6 times

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