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Anguzal Agroservice is considered one of the leaders in Central Asia producing biological preparations.

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Microbiological antiviral drug

Composition: extract of mycomycet Trichoderma lignorum

Range of actions: heals plants from groups of the main viral diseases of mosaic and jaundice: banded mosaic, wrinkled mosaic, speckled mosaic, tobacco mosaic, tomato mosaic, leaf roller, columnar, gothic, leaf curl, etc.

LAVIRON drug range of action:

  • Acts directly on the basic mechanisms of viruses on the infected plant structure;
  • Improves the plant condition from experienced stress;
  • Eliminates all negative causes of infection and contributes to the destruction of viruses.
  • Effective for: protecting plants of tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, cabbage, potatoes and other crops.


  • Obtaining environmentally friendly, healthy products;
  • Effect of application reaches 99%;
  • Period of protective action is 1-1.5 months;
  • Effect after application is visible on the 5-7th day

Crop Target Type, period of treatment Consumption rate of the drug and working solution Frequency
of treatment
Vegetables, outdoor and indoor crops Two main groups of plant viral diseases: mosaics and jaundice. Prevention:
spraying in the evening 15 days after planting;
(if symptoms appear):
first spray in the evening

Repeated spray after 7-10 days,

10-15ml per 10 liters of water. 3

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+998 (90) 906-72-99