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Anguzal Agroservice is considered one of the leaders in Central Asia producing biological preparations.

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Microbiological insecticide

Composition: Active substance is the Beauveria bassiana spore complex strain ALGK 93, the titer of cells is 1x1010sp/ml.

Range of action: plant protection – potatoes, tomatoes, cotton, wheat, citrus, fruit and vegetable crops from 2-3 generation larvae and adult insects of the Colorado potato beetle, cotton scoop, harmful turtle, whiteflies, aphids and locusts, etc.

Effect of application:

  • Provides protection of plants from insects by 85.6-90.2%;
  • Ovicidal action;
  • Lack of resistance (addiction);
  • Effective against over 160 species of insects.

Action principle:

  • The drug reduces fertility of female insects and leads to non-viability of the next generation oIchidacts.
  • The spores of Beauveria bassiana culture during pre-sowing seed treatment (tubers) and plants treatment actively colonize the root system of plants, preventing its colonization by insects, and remain in the soil for a long time.
  • The drug introduced into the soil is able to draft and have a long-term effect, restraining the reproduction of insects (in addition, the infected insect can infect other insects), insects do not get used to the drug.


Crop Insect Drug consumption rate Treatment
of treatments
Vegetables: potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant, peppers Colorado potato beetle (larvae of 1-3 age), cotton
scoop (caterpillars 1-2 age), whitefly, aphids
100-200 ml per 10 l of water Spraying during mass hatching of larvae against each
generation of pests with an interval of 4-5 days
Apple tree, plum, apricot, mulberry, pear, cherry, sweet cherry Apple and fruit moth, hawthorn, American white
butterfly (caterpillars 1-3 age)
l per 500
l of water
Spraying during the growing season against each
generation of the pest with an interval of 7-8 days
Sugar beet, table beet, fodder, alfalfa, sunflower, carrots, cabbage Meadow moth (caterpillars 1-3 age) 4-6
l per 500
l of water
during the growing season against each generation of the pest with an
interval of 4-5 days






Winter and cotton scoops (caterpillars 1-2 ages)


l per 500
l of water
Spraying during the growing season against each
generation of the pest with an interval of 4-5 days

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