NEW! Amino acids Aminoline.

Amino acids are the building blocks from which proteins are formed in the body. Substances are vital for the functioning of all systems of the human body, animals, plants and microorganisms.

Amino acids are organic compounds that simultaneously contain carboxyl and amine groups in the molecule. The basic chemical elements of amino acids are carbon (C), hydrogen (H), oxygen (O), and nitrogen (N), although other elements also occur in the radical of certain amino acids. About 500 naturally occurring amino acids are known (although only 20 are used in the genetic code).

Most of the approximately 500 known amino acids have been discovered since 1953, including during the search for new antibiotics in microorganisms, fungi, seeds, plants, fruits, and animal fluids. Approximately 240 of them are found in nature in a free form, and the rest only as intermediate elements of metabolism. Amino acids for plants In addition to the usual fertilizers, which include nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, it is important for plants to receive additional nutrition for normal development. You need to know that amino acids are involved in the construction of plant cells, the synthesis of hormones, enzymes, vitamins and other compounds. Amino acids saturate the plant with ready-made amino acids and it does not need to spend time and energy on making its own. Thus, it can spend this time on growth and development.

The role of amino acids for plants:
• accelerate the growth of plants;
• increase the size and sugar content of fruits;
• improves flowering;
• improves the synthesis of vitamins in the plant;
• accelerates the development of the root system;
• improves the absorption of trace elements;
• accelerates metabolism;
• increases disease resistance;
• improves photosynthesis;
• increases stress resistance;
• activates seed germination;
• normalizes the work of leaf stomata

Since 2023, our company has been actively engaged in the development and implementation of amino acids obtained by deep cultivation of microorganisms, the selection of the most productive strains and the optimal amount of amino acids. We look for an individual approach to each plant in order to achieve the best result: on cotton, grain and industrial crops, melons, fruit trees, vegetables and berries, as well as for lovers of flowering and fragrant lawns in front of the house.

Microbiological amino acids that are part of the drug Aminoline:
? Alanine - increases cold resistance and resistance to drought, optimizes water exchange of plants.
? Arginine - stimulates the development of the root system, resistance to soil salinity.
? Glycine - stimulates the synthesis of chlorophyll and vitamins, regulates water exchange, improves taste.
? Glutamine - stimulates seed growth, improves pollination and protein synthesis.
? Methionine - enhances root growth, regulates stomata and improves pollination.
? Tyrosine and leucine - increase resistance to heat and soil salinity, improve the viability of pollen.
? Threonine - regulates the work of stomata, increases stress resistance, stimulates seed germination.
At the moment, the drug is undergoing the last stages of quality control inside the laboratory, on open and closed ground for subsequent registration and widespread use.